
When we embarked on this journey, we knew that we wanted it to be about more than just wine. As a family, we wanted sharing to be the basis of Three T Cellars and that includes sharing our love of family-focused charities that help children. Back in the early Maple Valley days, Susie was introduced to a group home for teenage boys in foster care. After investigating their needs, she arranged for the community to become more involved to help support these children and their advocates.

When we moved to Portland, OR that’s when we met our dear friends and neighbors, Joanie and Brian Allen. They eagerly introduced us to an award-winning program called Bridge Meadows. A non-profit that builds intergenerational communities to provide stability for foster youth, adoptive parents, and elders in Oregon. Since we have partnered with them, we have watched Bridge Meadows grow from 1 location to 3 in Oregon. We quickly fell in love with the mission (and families!) so we knew we needed to do much more! Even our employees at Virtual Supply and Earl & Brown have stepped up so that ALL of the families were ‘adopted’ for the holidays, and that tradition still continues to this day. Bridge Meadows has grown from the initial location in North Portland, to now having communities in Redmond, Beaverton, and we hope to bring it soon to Tacoma. Bridge Meadows has become such a huge part of our family that Susie was invited to become a board member and currently serves on the advisory board.

By sharing in our wines you will directly support Bridge Meadows and other family-focused charities, check them out!